
A Safe Shopping Environment

Local retail businesses are the economic heartbeat of any city. Maintaining a safe environment at local shopping districts are key to attracting shoppers and bring large populations together for ancillary events. Through the use of strategically-placed, high-definition security cameras, public safety staff can be notified immediately of criminal behavior and unexpected gatherings, and help locate individuals who may seek to disrupt a pleasant shopping experience.

Reduce Nuisance Activity

It’s simple—a safe shopping district will attract more business. Mitigating criminal incidents and nuisance behavior quickly will help both businesses and shoppers. Success breeds success, and the quickest shortcut to reviving a shopping area is to keep it safe.

Attract Customers

Pleasant outdoor gathering spaces and safe parking areas are key factors in making a shopping district inviting and vibrant. Reduce unpleasant experiences such as drugs or homelessness to keep spending customers coming back.

DETECT in Action

Enforcing Public Decency

Armed Robbery

Drug Deal Disbanded

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Video Surveillance as a Service

With DETECT’s new Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), a municipal government can afford some of the latest state-of-the-art surveillance technology available by making a simple monthly payment.  With this service, the city has no capital investment, and the equipment is routinely serviced and maintained by DETECT’s highly trained and experienced technicians.