You don’t have to look very hard to find a surveillance camera. They’re ubiquitous at intersections, on storefronts, in domes on supermarket ceilings, at offices and schools and hospitals — according to some sources, the average American is recorded on video more than 50 times every day.
Video surveillance technology, like the rest of the digital age, is evolving at a breathtaking pace. With near constant upgrades to camera resolution, frame rates, lens design and coverage capability, storage options and capacity, keeping up with the latest and greatest can feel like a never-ending struggle. But, there is silver lining: You can put together an extremely effective solution using cameras and sensors that are readily available and getting more affordable every day. In fact, many municipalities and campuses prefer to deploy hardware with a proven track record, in order to keep obsolescence at bay. So, even if your budget or boss is a little shy about bleeding-edge tech, it doesn’t mean video surveillance is out of the question for you.
What do you need?
A video surveillance system is comprised of a broad range of items: the obvious includes cameras, digital recorders, VMS software, and video storage (whether network or cloud), and viewing stations. The underlying structure can be more complex, when you consider cables and wires, sensors, switches, power supplies, microphones and speakers, installation, monitoring, and maintenance.
It seems like a lot. Don’t worry—at Leverage, we work with you, and your stakeholders, to figure out exactly what you need and the best path forward. From design to deployment and beyond, we’re a partner you can count on.
Link: Getting Started with Municipal Surveillance
What do you expect to see?
The main question, of course, is what do you need the surveillance to do? Different hardware configurations provide different captured video, so it’s important to determine what you’re going to need from the video. Some cameras have incredible resolution and zooming capabilities, allowing you to identify and follow the movement of an individual or vehicle. Others cameras or sensors are better for detecting intrusions and setting of alarms—provoking a manned response. Some hardware has recognition capabilities: for, example, license plate recognition or gunshot detection. What hardware you select is largely dependent on the end result you desire.
Link: Does it Really Work?